Wednesday, September 15, 2010

NLATSU Cookout!

Are you seeking American Humanics Certification? Are you just interested in nonprofit management, service, and building relationships with your peers?
NLA-TSU, the Nonprofit Leaders Association of Tennessee State University, announces its Fall 2010 Kickoff Event: a cookout get-together at Dr. Meg Streams' house in East Nashville, co-hosted by American Humanics Campus Executive Director Dr. Joan Gibran. Come meet your peers, have fun, and plan a service event for later in the semester! Any interested CPSUA student is invited, and American Humanics students are reminded that active participation in NLA-TSU is required to obtain certification. The cookout will be held on Sunday 9/26/2010 at 4pm. Food, sodas, croquet and frisbee will be provided; please note that this is a no-alcohol event. RSVP to Dr. Streams by Tuesday 9/21/2010 and you will receive directions prior to the event.